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Everything I Needed to Know I Learned From the BeastMaster

Photo from dars-home.
Dar may be the laconic BeastMaster, the protector of the animal kingdom, but Dar is very wise about what is truly important in life.
He may not speak often, but when he does his words are usually worth hearing. Here are some of the pearls of Dar's wisdom.
- A real man is honorable.
- Killing doesn’t make a man anything!
- --A Simple Truth
- Killing is never my wish.
- --The Umpatra
- Were I to hurt him, I should better harm myself.
- --Valhalla
- In the real world, real men don’t find happiness in other people’s misery.
- --The Chameleon
- All men have weaknesses... The true sign of a man: Do no harm and protect others.
- --Tears of the Sea
- Killing is never the answer.
- --Gemini
- Live life to the fullest.
- A man who fears death has already died many times.
- --The Guardian
- There are three kinds of men... There's the man who does, the man who tries, and the man who knows no success because he doesn't have the heart to fail.
- --Tears of the Sea
- Well someone’s going to be disappointed. I can only die once.
- --The Golden Phoenix
- Do not let anger get the better of you.
- Self control is the master of ability. Make a man lose his control and you become the master.
- --Rage
- Friends give us roots.
- Roots are important... Some of the greatest trees have shallow roots and they survive strong winds because they stand together, their roots intertwined.
- --The Island
- Honesty is the best policy.
- Those who mistrust give others a reason to do so.
- --Amazons
- The truth is never wrong.
- --Tears of the Sea
- Laughter really IS the best medicine.
- I’m not going to kill you, and I don’t want to kill you. But you do owe me your life. So I tell you what. Give me a chuckle.
- --Heart Like a Lion
Keeper of the Mydlands
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This BeastMaster fan site is my own work, © Keeper of the Mydlands.