In television and movies, the music can become a character unto itself. It helps the suspense, romance or any other feeling that is needed. Music serves to highten our senses and sense about that which we are watching.
The composer for BeastMaster is Graeme Coleman. Mr. Coleman has done a fine job composing the music for the series. For me, as a fellow musician, things seem very "right" and appropriate.
The following biographical information about Mr. Coleman was found at the site for DanceArts Vancouver's production of Fire.
"Graeme Coleman has been active in the Vancouver music scene since 1974 composing and arranging original music in a variety of genres. From 1979 to 1987, Coleman led the jazz/rock group, Skywalk, composing the bulk of the material and producing four acclaimed albums. Since 1987, Gram has concentrated on film composition, including 18 feature films and several television series."
Composer filmography from IMDb.
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This BeastMaster fan site is my own work, © Keeper of the Mydlands.